Protein Eng Des Sel, 2013, 26(9):547-552

Structural investigation of influenza virus hemagglutinin membrane-anchoring peptide

Hemagglutinin (HA), the trimeric spike of influenza virus, catalyzes fusion of viral and cellular membranes. We have synthesized the anchoring peptide including the linker, transmembrane region and cytoplasmic tail (HA-TMR-CT) in a cell-free system. Furthermore, to mimic the palmitoylation of three conserved cysteines within the CT, we chemically alkylated HA-TMR-CT using hexadecyl-methanethiosulfonate. While the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy showed pure and refolded peptides, the formation of multiple oligomers of higher order impeded further structural analysis. Circular dichroism spectroscopy of both alkylated and non-alkylated HA-TMR-CT revealed an α-helical secondary structure. No major impact of the fatty acids on the secondary structure was detected.©The Author 2013.

Mineev KS, Lyukmanova EN, Krabben L, Serebryakova MV, Shulepko MA, Arseniev AS, Kordyukova LV, Veit M

IBCH: 4403
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