Nat Commun, 2012, 3:1204

A monomeric red fluorescent protein with low cytotoxicity

Multicolour labelling with fluorescent proteins is frequently used to differentially highlight specific structures in living systems. Labelling with fusion proteins is particularly demanding and is still problematic with the currently available palette of fluorescent proteins that emit in the red range due to unsuitable subcellular localization, protein-induced toxicity and low levels of labelling efficiency. Here we report a new monomeric red fluorescent protein, called FusionRed, which demonstrates both high efficiency in fusions and low toxicity in living cells and tissues. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

Shemiakina II, Ermakova GV, Cranfill PJ, Baird MA, Evans RA, Souslova EA, Staroverov DB, Gorokhovatsky AY, Putintseva EV, Gorodnicheva TV, Chepurnykh TV, Strukova L, Lukyanov S, Zaraisky AG, Davidson MW, Chudakov DM, Shcherbo D

IBCH: 4769
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