Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem., 2011, 37(6):719-731

A direct introduction of18O isotopes into peptides and proteins for quantitative mass spectroscopy analysis

A method for direct introduction of18O isotopes into carboxyl groups of peptides and proteins via the exchange with H218O in the presence of TFA is described. The isotope label is sufficiently stable in a wide pH range. Since the compounds labeled by this method retain their physicochemical characteristics, they can be used as an internal standard in quantitative assay of authentic compounds in the analyzed objects by means of mass spectrometry. This method is applicable to quantitative analysis of peptides and proteins in biological environments, as well as for quantitative kinetic studies of metabolism and enzyme activity. The quantitative analysis of polypeptides and proteins is combined with trypsinolysis. When necessary, the isotope label can be simultaneously introduced into all peptides and proteins in a control biosample, making it applicable as a standard for comparative analysis of experimental biosamples. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011.

Kozmin YP, Manoilov AV, Serebryakova MV, Mirgorodskaya OA

IBCH: 4778
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