Bioorg Khim, 2001, 25(7):552-553

The dependence of the E. coli gene expression level on the structure of the translation initiation region (TIR). IV. Distal complementary TIR interactions with the mRNA coding region

To evaluate the effect on translation of distal regions of the encoding mRNA part capable of the complementary binding to the ribosome binding site (RBS), a series of plasmids were constructed containing fragments inserted into the il3 gene and determining secondary interactions in mRNA. A comparison of the levels of the in vivo gene expression showed that the complementary interactions of the translation initiation region (TIR) with distal regions of the mRNA encoding part affect translation. The effectiveness of these interactions decreased with an increase in the distance between the RBS and the complementary mRNA region, whereas the secondary structure formed by the TIR and the adjacent mRNA region was more stable despite the presence of regions in mRNA capable of forming energetically more favorable structures involving these elements.

IBCH: 5558
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