Anal Chem, 2008, 80(7):2342-2350

Novel mass tags for single nucleotide polymorphism detection

A new method suitable for single nucleotide polymorphism detection and other applications based on oligonucleotide probe extension has been developed. The method is based on mass spectrometry and utilizes a single surface for affinity purification of extended probes and matrix-independent desorption/ionization of the cleavable labels. A new family of sulfur-linked laser-cleavable trityl labels with vastly improved flying abilities is implemented in this study. Corresponding reagents compatible with automated oligonucleotide synthesis are presented. Utility of this method for SNP genotyping is demonstrated. © 2008 American Chemical Society.

Birikh KR, Korshun VA, Bernad PL, Malakhov AD, Milner N, Khan S, Southern EM, Shchepinov MS

IBCH: 791
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