-Комплексный подход к анализу природных библиотек защитных пептидов: от фундаментальных исследований механизмов антимикробного действия до разработки прототипов новых лекарственных средств для борьбы с антибиотикорезистентными инфекциями

January 6, 2022 — December 31, 2024

Ovchinnikova T.V. (PI)

Science-Educational center

Grant, RSF

List of publications

  1. Guryanova SV, Ovchinnikova TV (2022). Innate Immunity Mechanisms in Marine Multicellular Organisms. Mar Drugs 20 (9),
  2. Krenev IA, Panteleev PV, Umnyakova ES, Gorbunov NP, Kostevich VA, Balandin SV, Ovchinnikova TV, Aleshina GM, Berlov MN (2022). In Vitro Modulation of Complement Activation by Therapeutically Prospective Analogues of the Marine Polychaeta Arenicin Peptides. Mar Drugs 20 (10),
  3. Antoshina DV, Balandin SV, Ovchinnikova TV (2022). Structural Features, Mechanisms of Action, and Prospects for Practical Application of Class II Bacteriocins. Biochemistry (Mosc) 87 (11), pages1387–1403
  4. Panina IS, Balandin SV, Tsarev AV, Chugunov AO, Tagaev AA, Finkina EI, Antoshina DV, Sheremeteva EV, Paramonov AS, Rickmeyer J, Bierbaum G, Efremov RG, Shenkarev ZO, Ovchinnikova TV (2023). Specific Binding of the α-Component of the Lantibiotic Lichenicidin to the Peptidoglycan Precursor Lipid II Predetermines Its Antimicrobial Activity. Int J Mol Sci 24 (2), 1332
  5. Bogdanov IV, Streltsova MA, Kovalenko EI, Sapozhnikov AM, Panteleev PV, Ovchinnikova TV (2023). Epithelial-Immune Cell Crosstalk Determines the Activation of Immune Cells In Vitro by the Human Cathelicidin LL-37 at Low Physiological Concentrations. Biomolecules 13 (9), 1316
  6. Guryanova SV, Balandin SV, Belogurova-Ovchinnikova OY, Ovchinnikova TV (2023). Marine Invertebrate Antimicrobial Peptides and Their Potential as Novel Peptide Antibiotics. Mar Drugs 21 (10), 503
  7. Mironov PA, Paramonov AS, Reznikova OV, Safronova VN, Panteleev PV, Bolosov IA, Ovchinnikova TV, Shenkarev ZO (2024). Dimerization of the β-Hairpin Membrane-Active Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide Capitellacin from Marine Polychaeta: An NMR Structural and Thermodynamic Study. Biomolecules 14 (3), 332