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5th Workshop on Molecular Neurobiology and Physiology "Current Methods in Physiology Research" dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the birth of academician Eugene Grishin

The workshop will take place on April 20 in the Minor hall. Talks will be made by world-leading scientists and representatives of high-tech entrepreneurship specializing in neurobiology. Everyone is cordially invited.

April 20, 2018 (This event is over)

methods, physiology, conference, Grishin, neuroscience

Vassilevski A.A.

When: April 20. Registration is open from 9:00. Presentations begin at 10:00. The workshop closes at 16:00.

Where: Minor hall (3rd floor).

The program of the event is available for download following this link.

Workshop website:

march 23, 2018

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