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Scientific supervisor of company LLC «Syneuro» attended an international Forum «International Conference on Protein Engineering»

Scientific supervisor of company LLC «Syneuro» (the company is an ex-territorial resident of «SKOLKOVO») is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Tsetlin Victor Ionovich attended an international Forum «International Conference on Protein Engineering», which was held in Chicago, USA, during 26-28 October, 2015.

Syneuro, Tsetlin V. I., Protein Engineering 2015, neurotoxins

Evseev A.V.

Protein Engineering 2015 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various newfangled topics related to the field of proteomics and bioinformatics. The extremely illustrious conference hosted by OMICS International was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 25 countries around the world.

The conference was embarked with an opening ceremony followed by a series of lectures delivered by both Honorable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The highlights of the conference were the keynote forum by prominent scientists, R Stephen Berry, The University of Chicago, USA; Ram Samudrala, State University of New York, USA; David Mead, Lucigen Corporation, USA; Karl Freed, University of Chicago, USA and Victor Tsetlin, Russian Academy of Sciences. Russia gave their fruitful contributions in the form of highly informative presentations and made the conference a top notch one. Tsetlin’s report (From peptide and protein neurotoxins to receptor structure - function and new drugs) described the use of neurotoxins to create new drugs.

Protein Engineering is the process of developing useful or valuable proteins and it research takes place into the understanding of folding and recognition for protein design principles.


Professor Tsetlin V. I. at conference (on right)

The company LLC «Syneuro» was founded in 2011 on the basis of the Department of molecular bases of neurosignaling of the Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (IBCh RAS). The company is an ex-territorial resident of «SKOLKOVO» from March 2012.

Scientific supervisor of the company is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Tsetlin Victor Ionovich. The personnel of the company includes three Doctors (DSc) and 4 Candidates (PhD) of Sciences that allows to solve complex scientific problems in designing selective polypeptide drugs.

november 13, 2015

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