-Комплексный подход к биоинженерии мультифункциональных соединений направленного действия для диагностики и терапии рака

January 6, 2014 — December 31, 2018

Deyev S.M. (PI)

Laboratory of molecular immunology

Grant, RSF

List of publications

  1. Guryev EL, Shilyagina NY, Kostyuk AB, Sencha LM, Balalaeva IV, Vodeneev VA, Kutova OM, Lyubeshkin AV, Yakubovskaya RI, Pankratov AA, Ingel FI, Novik TS, Deyev SM, Ermilov SA, Zvyagin AV (2019). Preclinical Study of Biofunctional Polymer-Coated Upconversion Nanoparticles. Toxicol Sci 170 (1), 123–132
  2. Guller AE, Grebenyuk PN, Shekhter AB, Zvyagin AV, Deyev SM (2016). Bioreactor-based tumor tissue engineering. Acta Naturae 8 (3), 44–58
  3. Belogurov AA, Ivanova OM, Lomakin YA, Ziganshin RH, Vaskina MI, Knorre VD, Klimova EA, Gabibov AG, Ivanov VT, Govorun VM (2016). Mediators and biomarkers of inflammation in meningitis: Cytokine and peptidome profiling of cerebrospinal fluid. Biochemistry (Mosc) 81 (11), 1293–1302
  4. Lomakin Y, Shmidt A, Glagoleva I, Okunola J, Vaskina M, Belogurov A, Gabibov A (2016). Myelin-Reactive Monoclonal Antibodies from Multiple Sclerosis Patients Cross-React with Nucleoproteins in HEp-2 Lysate. Bionanoscience 6 (4), 322–324
  5. Zelepukin IV, Nikitin MP, Cherkasov VR, Nikitin PI, Deyev SM, Petrov PV (2016). Synthesis of magnetic silica nanomarkers with controlled physicochemical properties. Dokl Biochem Biophys 470 (1), 335–337
  6. Sokolova E, Proshkina G, Kutova O, Shilova O, Ryabova A, Schulga A, Stremovskiy O, Zdobnova T, Balalaeva I, Deyev S (2016). Recombinant targeted toxin based on HER2-specific DARPin possesses a strong selective cytotoxic effect in vitro and a potent antitumor activity in vivo. J Control Release 233, 48–56
  7. Stepanov A, Belyy A, Kasheverov I, Rybinets A, Dronina M, Dyachenko I, Murashev A, Knorre V, Sakharov D, Ponomarenko N, Tsetlin V, Tonevitsky A, Deyev S, Belogurov A, Gabibov A (2016). Development of a recombinant immunotoxin for the immunotherapy of autoreactive lymphocytes expressing MOG-specific BCRs. Biotechnol Lett 38 (7), 1173–1180
  8. Stepanov AV, Rybinets AS, Dronina MA, Deev SM (2016). Study of Fibronectin Type III-Like Domains Role in Activation of gp130 Receptor. Bull Exp Biol Med 161 (1), 72–74
  9. Khaydukov EV, Mironova KE, Semchishen VA, Generalova AN, Nechaev AV, Khochenkov DA, Stepanova EV, Lebedev OI, Zvyagin AV, Deyev SM, Panchenko VY (2016). Riboflavin photoactivation by upconversion nanoparticles for cancer treatment. Sci Rep 6, 35103
  10. Shipunova VO, Nikitin MP, Nikitin PI, Deyev SM (2016). MPQ-cytometry: A magnetism-based method for quantification of nanoparticle-cell interactions. Nanoscale 8 (25), 12764–12772
  11. Schulga AA, Mechev PV, Kirpichnikov MP, Skryabin KG, Deyev SM (2016). Construction of the plasmid-free strain for human growth hormone production. Biochimie 128129, 148–153
  12. Souslova EA, Mironova KE, Deyev SM (2017). Applications of genetically encoded photosensitizer miniSOG: from correlative light electron microscopy to immunophotosensitizing. J Biophotonics 10 (3), 338–352
  13. Grebenik EA, Kostyuk AB, Deyev SM (2016). Upconversion nanoparticles and their hybrid assemblies for biomedical applications. RUSS CHEM REV 85 (12), 1277–1296
  14. (conference) Zelepukin IV, Nikitin MP, Nechaev AV, Zvyagin AV, Nikitin PI, Deyev SM (2016). Near infrared luminescent-magnetic nanoparticles for bimodal imaging in vivo. Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016 , S244
  15. (conference) Shipunova VO, Nikitin MP, Nikitin PI, Deyev SM (2016). Lectin-based nanoagents for specific cell labelling and optical visualization. Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016 , S237
  16. Proshkina GM, Shilova ON, Ryabova AV, Stremovskiy OA, Deyev SM (2015). A new anticancer toxin based on HER2/neu-specific DARPin and photoactive flavoprotein miniSOG. Biochimie 118, 116–122
  17. Zdobnova T, Sokolova E, Stremovskiy O, Karpenko D, Telford W, Turchin I, Balalaeva I, Deyev S (2015). A novel far-red fluorescent xenograft model of ovarian carcinoma for preclinical evaluation of HER2-targeted immunotoxins. Oncotarget 6 (31), 30919–30928
  18. Smirnov IV, Vorobiev II, Belogurov AA, Genkin DD, Deyev SM, Gabibov AG (2015). Chemical polysialylation of recombinant human proteins. Methods Mol Biol 1321, 389–404
  19. Deyev SM, Lebedenko EN (2015). Supramolecular agents for theranostics. Russ. J. Bioorganic Chem. 41 (5), 481–493
  20. Shilova ON, Proshkina GM, Lebedenko EN, Deyev SM (2015). Internalization and Recycling of the HER2 Receptor on Human Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells Treated with Targeted Phototoxic Protein DARPinminiSOG. Acta Naturae 7 (3), 126–132
  21. Shipunova VO, Nikitin MP, Mironova KE, Deyev SM, Nikitin PI (2015). Complexes of magnetic nanoparticles and scFv antibodies for targeting and visualizing cancer cells. IEEE-NANO 2015 - 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology , 13–16
  22. Grebenik EA, Generalova AN, Nechaev AV, Khaydukov EV, Mironova KE, Stremovskiy OA, Lebedenko EN, Zvyagin AV, Deyev SM (2014). Specific visualization of tumor cells using upconversion nanophosphors. Acta Naturae 6 (23), 48–53
  23. Deyev SM, Lebedenko EN, Petrovskaya LE, Dolgikh DA, Gabibov AG, Kirpichnikov MP (2015). Man-made antibodies and immunoconjugates with desired properties: Function optimization using structural engineering. RUSS CHEM REV 84 (1), 1–26
  24. Terekhov SS, Smirnov IV, Shamborant OG, Zenkova MA, Chernolovskaya EL, Gladkikh DV, Murashev AN, Dyachenko IA, Knorre VD, Belogurov AA, Ponomarenko NA, Deyev SM, Vlasov VV, Gabibov AG (2014). Excessive labeling technique provides a highly sensitive fluorescent probe for real-time monitoring of biodegradation of biopolymer pharmaceuticals in vivo. Acta Naturae 6 (23), 54–59
  25. Shipunova VO, Nikitin MP, Zelepukin IV, Nikitin PI, Deyev SM, Petrov RV (2015). A comprehensive study of interactions between lectins and glycoproteins for the development of effective theranostic nanoagents. Dokl Biochem Biophys 464 (1), 315–318
  26. Proshkina GM, Mironova KE, Deyev SM, Petrov RV (2015). Mechanism of the cytotoxic action of immunophototoxin 4D5scFV-miniSOG on HER2/neu-positive cancer cells. Dokl Biochem Biophys 460 (1), 16–19